October News - By Imperator.co

Imperator covers top weekly news picks in the Cosmos ecosystem over October.

October News -  By Imperator.co

This document's accuracy is in no way endorsed by Curious Cosmonaut Research. This paper’s content was aggregated from the Imperator.co blog here as part of a series to make content more accessible from one place in Cosmos.

Author: Β Imperator.co

Source: Blog

Disclaimer: The information contained on this article and the resources available is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, financial advice. Nothing available this page should be understood as a recommendation to buy something.

The article aims to present five news/announcements that happened last week on the Cosmos ecosystem.

Our goal at Imperator is to help the community by summarising the most important information that should not be missed.

Weekly Newsletter: What happened on the Cosmos ecosystem this week? October 10–16

1. Dragonberry: a critical security vulnerability discovered.

After the Binance hack, Cosmos and Osmosis teams discovered a security vulnerability that impacted all IBC-enabled chains, for all versions of IBC.

Fortunately, all teams acted quickly and worked in coordination with validators to ensure that all major chains have been patched.

Thanks to all teams and validators, that level of coordination was impressive. πŸ‘

2. Skip Protocol is live on Juno testnet!

Skip is now the first ever MEV solution that is live on Juno testnet. Everything is going very well and @OniValidator proposed the first ever bundle on Juno πŸ‘

Skip should be live on Juno mainnet soon & more networks are coming such as Evmos and Terra2 next.

Yesterday, Imperator received its first Skip bundle on Juno testnet! Happy to help the team to bring ecosystem-aligned MEV solutions.

3. IST will be live soon!

IST is an overcollateralized and native stablecoin backed by IBC assets. You will be able to mint $IST on Agoric.

If you want to understand a bit more the mechanisms behind $IST, you can check our video right here πŸ‘‡

created validator specific pages!

You should all be familiar with Yieldmos: they recently launched validator pages β€” meaning that you can go directly to that page and stake with your favorite validators!

Our page is: yieldmos.com/v/imperator-co

5. Pulsar is live on Cosmos!

Pulsar Finance just launched its wallet tracked, the UI is just perfect.

You can select 30+ Cosmos chains and start tracking all your Cosmos assets. Check it out πŸ‘‰ https://app.pulsar.finance/

Weekly Newsletter: What happened on the Cosmos ecosystem this week? October 17–23

1. Juno halving is in 16 hours!

In less than 16 hours, the Phase 2 for Juno will start and the fixed inflation rate will decrease from 40% to 20%.

Just to be more specific, the fixed inflation rate will decrease by 50%, but not the APR!

The APR depends on the bonded tokens too: the lower the bonded rate, the higher the APR πŸ“ˆ

For a full explanation, check Frens’s thread right here πŸ‘‡

Countdown: https://junohalving.io/

2. Skip Protocol keeps shipping πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

Skip partnered with Sei Network to provide MEV capture mechanisms. Sei is a L1 chain specialized and optimised for trading & DeFi and with this partnership Skip will return value from MEV to Sei users and validators.

Skip also introduced Skip-Select the same week.

Skip-Select is a new feature that will enable validators to choose if they want to:

πŸ‘‰ Protect from frontrunning

πŸ‘‰ Decide how to split rewards

πŸ‘‰ Set how much of a block Skip builds

3. Quasar, Polymer and Strangelove: Interchain Queries!

Quasar, Polymer and Strangelove introduced Interchain Queries (ICQ): it enables a chainA to query data from a chainB using IBC standards.

What are the benefits of ICQ? IBC was mainly used for token transfers, with ICQ two chains will also be able to share data to develop a cross-chain DeFi ecosystem through cross-chain composability.

4. Interchain Foundation undelegated its $ATOM.

The ICF undelegated over ~11.63M ATOMs from 50 validators as part of their new delegation policy and will start delegating again to new validators selected based on their contributions to the ecosystem.

The APR on ATOM increased a bit and it’s going to stay high until the ICF starts delegating again to the new validators.

All validators can apply to the new delegation program before 12am CET on 29 October 2022.

5. Mesh security, more explanations! πŸ§‘β€πŸ«

Jake wrote a great thread to explain what #MeshSecurity could bring to the Interchain.

πŸ‘‰ More scalable compared to ICS V1

πŸ‘‰ Chain halting does not bring down the system

πŸ‘‰ Can work with non-Cosmos SDK chains

BONUS: Lum Network released the DFract Whitepaper!

Dfract is the first Interchain yield earning index.

It works as follow: Users give their tokens to the Protocol in exchange of $DFR & stake $DFR to receive the staking rewards created by the treasury.

Weekly Newsletter: What happened on the Cosmos ecosystem this week? October 24 –30

1. OSMO is live on Binance!

This was the big news of the week: $OSMO is now available on Binance, which is the largest crypto exchange in the space.

This listing will definitely attract newcomers on Cosmos and $OSMO will be used as an on/off ramp solution. Great to see that the largest DEX of Cosmos is now connected to the largest crypto exchange.

2. Stride, lots of news! 🌊

First, Stride will provide liquid staking to Injective! πŸ₯·

πŸ‘‰ The stINJ/INJ pool will be available on Helix App

πŸ‘‰ $STRD airdrop to $INJ stakers πŸͺ‚

Ledger support is also available for Stride. Many of you were waiting for ledger support, it’s now live!

You can now liquid stake $ATOM, $JUNO, $STARS and soon $INJ and $OSMO using your hardware wallet πŸŽ‰

The $stOSMO will be live tomorrow, on October 31st! πŸ‘»

Get ready if you want to liquid stake your $OSMO πŸ§ͺ

3. $IST is live!

As you already know, @inter_protocol is a stablecoin native from @agoric and backed by IBC assets.

From now on, you can mint IST using the Parity Stability Module with USDC / USDT.

If you want to learn more about the design, please check this awesome thread from Youssef Amrani:

4. Neutron’s roadmap!

The Neutron team wrote a full thread to explain its roadmap, you’ll hear more about:

πŸ‘‰ Interchain Security (ICS)

πŸ‘‰ Roadmap Update

πŸ‘‰ Interchain Queries (ICQ)

πŸ‘‰ Interchain Accounts (ICA)

πŸ‘‰ Interchain DEX

πŸ‘‰ Interchain Money Market

We are very glad to support and join the Quark testnet as a validator!

5. Sei, the whitepaper is out! πŸ“ƒ

You can now read @SeiNetwork’s whitepaper to learn more about this sector specific layer 1, fully specialized for trading.

You can also check detailed thread by Jay for a full understanding πŸ‘‡πŸ“š

BONUS: Mintscan did an awesome job by introducing Interchain Validator Stats πŸ“Š

This enables users to check stats for the top 500 validators.

If you appreciate our work, the best way to support us is to follow @imperator_co and stake some of your coins with Imperator.co πŸ™Œ.